Pictorial Interlude – Amazing roads, when lumberjacks had tired arms, cats made from typewriters, gentlemen swimmers and why your keys and wallet always go missing…

by | Dec 7, 2011 | Cartoon Interlude, Just plain weird, Laugh? I pissed myself, Pictorial Interlude, Raccoon likes these, Strange Thoughts, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 2 comments

Work once again intrudes on other activities so, have a few of the more amusing things I have stumbled across recently.

Not sure if this is a photoshop job but if it is real then you wouldn’t catch me under that little lot :

When cutting down trees meant using a very manly saw :

A cat made from old typewriter parts :

Gentlemen swimmers – lets leave it at that eh :

And finally, why you can never find your keys or wallet :

Hopefully time will allow something postlike involving writing soon enough …


  1. Wasp

    microdave – fuck me pink (as they say around these parts when somewhat surprised) that is one huge fuck off chainsaw!!

  2. microdave

    “When cutting down trees meant using a very manly saw”

    These days we have technology (plus a dose of sheer insanity) to help…