Ok – how close did these cars actually get – I am thinking millimeters …

by | Feb 6, 2012 | Just plain weird, Raccoon likes these, Strange Thoughts, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 4 comments

I have watched this many tens of times and I still can’t work out how it didn’t end in a pile of mangled scrap :

Or was it somethign airbourne crossing the intersection?


  1. Ripper

    Its a motorcycle travelling at speed. I have disassembled the gif animation into individual frames. There are 41 frames and the motorcycle appears on 4, frames 26 – 29. Frame 27 is the most telling, put into a paint program and lightened up, although its still a blurry blob. I mostly deduced that its a motorcycle from the single headlamp beam on the side of the van and the streak of the tail light. Also, at the point of passing, there is not enough space to fit a car through. I’d say that either the rider needs another bike to carry his balls on, or had a change of underwear when he got home.

    • Wasp

      Ripper – Ahh thankyou for clearing that up 🙂 Given the positioning I think he only just managed to get the bike through that gap. And yes, new underwear I think, for him and the police car driver as well I wouldn’t doubt.

  2. Woodsy42


    • Wasp

      Woodsy – seems so yes (see Ripper’s comment) and either very brave or foolhardy or just damned lucky one way or the other 🙂