From a summary of Italy’s proposals for getting their finances under control, one little highlight that was never even mentioned on these shores :
- A reduction the “cost of politics” resulting in a halving of elected officials and around 55,000 fewer positions in the apparatus of central and local government. However, Berlusconi did not give a timescale for these cuts.
Imagine for a second if our wonderful leaders actually proposed getting a grip on the gigantic Whitehall machine and then come back to the reality of ever increasing Government spending despite what teh BBC is determined to ram down our throats.
Whether Italy will actually make any headway on that proposal is unclear as ZeroHedge notes :
Remember how two months ago Greece came up with a bulletized list of austerity measures it would immediately if not sooner engage in to demonstrate its responsible adult behavior, funded by over €200 billion in European and American taxpayers funds and two bailouts? Well, since then we have learned that Greek GDP has plunged below even the worst case scenarios, even as the country has missed all deficit cut targets. Today, it is Italy’s turn, which however apparently was confused and presented the list of austerity before it got a Greek-style rescue. Which is bad. Because within a few weeks we expect the strike (and riot)-cam to be planted firmly in the Piazza Navona and across the streets ot the Trastevere in capturing the latest round of European indignation, oddly enough not caused by local filming of The Jersey Shore.
Well they had to say somethign to keep the boat afloat didn’t they?