They would rather bring us all down into the depths of Hades than lose their grip on power.

by | Apr 1, 2011 | civil liberties, Economic Intrigue, Please fuck off., Politics, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Well I never.

The following snippet from Mike Krieger writing about the ills of the financial world in a ZeroHedge article actually has a lot of truths about the overall state of the system we currently find ourselves in (emphasis mine) :

The backdrop is pretty simple but is too terrifying for the brainwashed amongst us to admit.

The old order, of corporatist/fascism is on its last legs and it clutching onto its power desperately.  This includes the Central Banking system itself and by extension pretty much all governments around the world.  When rats are cornered they attack and that is what is happening now. In their attempts to save a dead system they will do everything they need to try to survive.  The well being of the citizenry is largely irrelevant.  Keeping them quiet and subservient is much more important.

Well, the problem here is that in order to do this various countries need to achieve conflicting goals.  In the West, the governments are merely attempting to keep standards of living flat or masking the deterioration (inflation) and in the emerging economies they must continue to raise living standards rapidly.  Both of these things cannot happen in a centrally controlled global economy where money is being spewed from spigots and no one is investing.

Let’s get real, everyone I know with half a brain and a lot of money is hedging themselves.  Whether this means precious metals, a second passport, growing their own food, buying land overseas or all of the above, one thing they are not doing is investing in this economy.  So instead of trying to deal with the root of the problem (monopoly money, rampant corruption in D..C and no rule of law) they just print money.  If the root problems were dealt with, the TBTF banks shut down and executives jailed, the Federal Reserve shutdown gradually and replaced with hard money I promise you after a very challenging recession the smartest Americans would put their money to work and this economy would boom.  Of course this won’t happen because the rats are in charge so an uncontrollable collapse is more likely the outcome.

They would rather bring us all down into the depth of Hades rather than lose their grip on power.

The last line there being a damned good description of our current political situation here in Europe.

As the debt pile reaches higher and higher into the sky our own glorious teflon iDave tells us that all is well with the world whilst simultaneously handing our country over piecemeal fashion to the insatiable EUSSR with its ever open beak.

Will we ever see an uprising here against the EU or will we just settle for our own personal Hades of slavery and submission to the monster?

I pray for the former but am afraid it will most likely be the latter if, that is, we are not already there.