An island without air defence – Counting Cats is not amused.

by | Feb 15, 2011 | civil liberties, Economic Intrigue, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., Politics, Righteous Wankers, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

Counting Cats is most definitely not amused with the governments seeming indifference to the defence of the realm and has a searing blog post which is well worth reading in full.

As a taster (emphasis mine):

We now have no maritime recon/attack aircraft. Since the scrapping of Nimrod, Harrier and the earlier scrapping of Tornado GR1B with the Sea Eagle missiles we have nothing to use against hostile ships other than harsh language and improper gestures. Yes, these islands are not defended from the air. And that is a fucking disgrace. In the context of a government that spends half our GDP per annum (a large chunk of that GDP is imaginary of course) it is in fact a wombat buggering disgrace. I make no apologies for my uncouth language because in the words of Marcellus Wallace, “I am very fucking far from OK”.

Clearly our government couldn’t give a flying fuck about the defence of the realm and if it doesn’t care about that then what quite frankly is the point of it?

But nah! we got the turd way out of one arsehole and prick society out of the other. We have a lovely touchy-feely-greenie land. We have five-a-day co-ordinators so we don’t need an airforce (to say nothing of the army and navy) so let’s reduce it until it’s on it’s fucking arse. It isn’t, afterall, one of the “frontline services” that folks bitch about.

But then that is technocracy for you. The rule of a bunch of cunts who think their graphs mean something. The rule of a bunch of absolute prize cunts who think because they quote sadistics on this that or the other about how under this or that (or the other) government we are now 3.7% more socially inclusive or some such fetid rotulence. What about me? I just want something to light reheat** and horrify the bad guys. It is their job to defend this nation – do that and – and just let us get on with the rest of it.

Technocracy is the rule of those that don’t know that dy/dx of sin(x) is cos(x). It is what we have and it is the rule of those who think a Fourier Transform is Peter Mandelson’s latest boyfriend.

Deliciously unhappy and some of the finest swearblogging I have read in a very long time.

Go and read it all.