Xmas drink driving campaign – buggered senseless edition.

by | Dec 21, 2010 | Health, Just plain weird, Laugh? I pissed myself, Well I never.

How to encourage people to not drink and drive this Christmas?

Simple, if you are from South Africa.

Advertise the fact that your arse will resemble a flanders poppy after spending time with some of the special men you will meet whilst locked up.

A little from The Telegraph :

South African adverts threaten men with prison rape if caught drink driving

A South African drink drive advertising campaign has been criticised for warning men they could be raped in prison if caught intoxicated behind the wheel.

The locally-produced television advertisement imitates lonely hearts film clips, with burly and dishevelled men telling viewers: “I’m looking for a special person”, “someone who can handle heavy situations with a smile”. But the campaign has been attacked for making light of the country’s problem with sexual violence.

One advert promises: “These hands will never let you go,” before the camera pans out to reveal a prison cell crowded with inmates sprawled on beds and mattresses. The text on screen reveals: “They’d love to meet you. Never drink and drive.”

Unfortunately, The Telegraph doesn’t have the actual video which was somewhat surprising from the Headquarters of the Bugger and Flog ‘Em brigade.

It didn’t take too much finding though :

As would be expected, various shroud waving groups are up in arms about the video (emphasis mine) :

Rachel Jewkes, of South Africa‘s Sexual Violence Research Initiative, said sexual violence is often used by gangs to dominate inmates in South Africa’s prisons. “The problem of prison rape is a very real and serious one and there seems to be little political will to resolve it,” she said. “This advertisement is not raising awareness of the problem so much as saying that it is an extra form of punishment.”

I think she may have just answered the first part of her statement with the second there.



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