Musical Interlude – Folk Edition

by | Nov 18, 2010 | civil liberties, Musical Interlude, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

Whilst trawling YouTube (more on why later), I came across this rendition of a seventeenth century folk song which gives a idea of what Winter evenings in those times would probably consist of – a roaring fire, song and, probably, beer, beer and more beer (ok the latter is my idea of these things but it fits) :

The first song has three singers but if you want more then you should get yourself of to either Latvia or Estonia for one of their song festivals – the following clip (which was the one I was looking for in the first place) being a fine example of rather more than three people singing at once. Now, if I could get 50000 people singing the first track that would sound interesting!

An amazing spectacle and a phenomenon which started the process for independence in the Baltics.



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