Idly browsing on a slow evening led me from a Pravda article on the Museum of Sex to this rather strange exhibit from the site itself :
Quite the proud inventor it seems.
The following is the inventors quote from the site :
My wife looks at my machine and she thinks it looks too cold, way too mechanical. Now, what attracted me to this thing in the first place was the mechanical nature of the machine. I mean, I think it’s cool the way it is. She thinks it’s ominous. What I’m hearing is that the women think it’s just too heavy, too hard, and it needs to be softer . . . I know men are visually oriented in a different way, sexually, than women are. We’re wired differently. This is one of the differences that we are all constantly wrestling with.
Frank Reimer
Quality Mechanical Machines
Dixon, California
You have just got to love the chequer plate base which is probably the source of her womanly objections in that it is not very practical when it comes to cleaning.
Surely that is all she is complaining about there or have I missed the point completely being a man?
(Hint, there is sarcasm involved there somewhere).
And, if you really want to have a look for yourself, here is the link – Museum of Sex.
Do enjoy – the kitchen blender powered dildo looks like some medieval disemboweling contraption!