Spotted at small dead animals, the video below reminded me very much of the Conservative campaign video on 13 years of Labour (that video is here in the nest for your enjoyment).
This one is also very well made and with some great soundbites it gives quite a powerful contrast between the early hysteria hope and subsequent dashing of same on the brutal rocks of political reality. I think this one will do the rounds for quite a while over the pond as the generals shuffle their troops ready for Novembers elections.
I suppose we, as voters, will never learn that these fuckers will say anything to get into power and then do what they like when they do finally get in.
The stupid thing is we all know that they do it, but every time an election comes around someone manages to seduce us again with their whispered sweet nothings only for us to wake up the next morning in a rohypnol haze with no purse and no knickers.