Whilst browsing Waspsnest stats (as you do when terminally bored) I discovered an interesting section which summarises the search engine terms people have used to arrive at the blog.

So, without further ado, the top 5 Waspsnest search terms for your delectation :

In fifth place, confirming everyone’s notion that the internet is one big porn cesspit, we have split crotch panties.

Just a shame that the article itself is about the Battle of Hastings so it hopefully won’t dampen the searchers tumescence too much.

Number four goes to an article on Retrospective Legislation which has proved surprisingly popular given the dull overtones of the subject. The article itself has a fair few examples of how this rather underhand technique has been applied by our wonderful rulers.

Number three in the top five goes to one of several articles I have written regarding Israel and Iran, the most popular being the possibilities of a Middle East nuclear pissing contest.

Onwards to number two and hardly surprising given the blog name, are searches for waspsnests. I just hope that someone looking for insect advice was appropriately amused and offended in equal measure.

And finally at number one, I was somewhat surprised to find that searches for information on 500 Euro notes outweigh all other search terms by three to one. I wrote two articles (original here and here for a follow up) on the banning of 500 Euro notes which was apparently done by gentlemans agreement at the behest of SOCA aka one of ACPOs pets.

Either every drug smuggler in the land is lookign for methods to get hold of them or all of Europe is laughing at Stasi-Island situated to the West of Europe.

So there you have it – sex, the law, war, infestations and money. How did we manage without the internet?


  1. Wasp

    Google works in mysterious ways like many other imaginary sky pixies it seems.

    And posts about posts about split crotch panties will undoubtedly increase pantie traffic in the future 🙂

  2. Bucko

    Split crotch panties eh?
    One person has managed to find my blog with the search, “Bangalore homosex boy”. I have no idea why or how.