Hardly surprising that people are supposedly getting less intelligent when you start seeing shite like this from the BBC who, admittedly were never at the cutting edge of literacy anyway but really.

The headline starts off fine :

Oesophageal cancer ‘doubles in British men’

but the very next line in the article is this (emphasis mine) :

Cancers of the food pipe in Britain have doubled in men over 25 years, figures from Cancer Research UK show.

Talk about inconsistent – why bother having it as the headline if you are going to call it a food pipe in the next breath?


  1. Wasp

    @ Bucko – I find adverts either laughable or highly irritating these days depending on what is being flogged and how they are putting the message across. They must work as a medium though given the huge amounts of money involved but I cannot begin to imagine the kind of people they are actually influencing for the money. Possibly the old saying comes into play – “a fool and his money are easily parted”.

    @ Longrider = that makes sense now – the article will have been written by some work experience staffer and with the headline corrected later by the one person that they have who can spell. Just a shame they didn’t correct the article as well (or even get rid of the damned quotes that they seem to spray around with gay abandon).

  2. Longrider

    I noticed this. In its first incarnation, food pipe was in the headline at which point I thought, “you mean oesophagus, surely?”

  3. Bucko

    You’re correct. Advertisers tell us about good bacteria and bad bacteria. WTF does that mean, really.
    And I cant remember the last car advert that told us what the car has. Leccy windows etc. Its just images of cars having fun.