Whilst the good news is that the one eyed snot gobbler is going, the bad news seems to be that we may still get stuck with Labour and Mandelsnake in charge after all.
Obnoxio, in his usual style, gives his take on what that will entail and finishes in style :
The even more socially democratic LimpDumbs have decided that they really don’t fancy foregoing their chance to increase their slice of the electoral pie, so they’ve told iDave to go fuck himself, they rather want to get into bed with the Labour Party.
In a sense, I guess iDave is lucky. Imagine if he’d managed to get 57 people that utterly fucking stupid that they, as losers, want to pucker up to an even bigger bunch of losers on some ludicrous promise that they’re not going to get fucked into a cocked hat by Mandelsnake and company, on board. Can you imagine anyone that dumb having a significant say in running the country?
Watch the markets. This isn’t going to be ugly.
This is going to be Greek.
Better stock up on riot shields and beans then.