NHS officials today reported a stampede of young Barnsley females wanting to block book testing appointments for every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday over the next year at the Kendray hospital Genito Urinary Medicine clinic after the following report appeared on the BBC news website :
Chlamydia test after every new partner call
Women should be tested for chlamydia every time they have a new sexual partner to cut their chances of pelvic disease, UK researchers say.
A study of 2,500 students found that annual screening is not enough to prevent cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause infertility.
OK, whilst definitely tongue in cheek, anyone who has witnessed Wellington Street in Barnsley on a Friday night will know it’s certainly not too far fetched. Although they do tend to be careful due to the fact that the Barnsley NHS approved treatment for STI’s is still neat dettol and a wire brush.