Seen over at Zero Hedge, rather disturbing video footage taken from a US Army Apache helicopter in Baghdad during which two Reuters employees were shot and killed :
After much speculation that it was nothing but a red herring, Wikileaks, which has recently gotten some substantial press coverage on both sides, has finally released a classified video leaked by “a number of military whistleblowers” which depicts “the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff.” The Reuters employees in question are Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen. Full video is below, linked from Wikileaks’ YouTube site – warning: video is very graphic.
Having watched the video and bearing in mind the number of stories about so-called insurgents using Rocket Propelled Grenades, I am not sure I would have acted any differently in that position. Watch the video and ask yourself – without the overlay labels pointing out the cameraman and his camera, am I looking at men armed with RPGs or video equipment?