News in from Waspsnests Dutch correspondent that it is apparently quite a straightforward procedure as long as you follow the instructions over at Strange Horizons. A very thorough tutorial to install the VüDü linux distro on a dead badger including tips on getting it to boot :
Invocation/boot procedures. Place badger in center of fireproof surface, making sure ventilation is adequate and all doors are locked. Turn off all cell phones and pagers, and cease using all other unapproved electronic devices. Using the badger’s blood, smear a foot-wide pentagram around its body. Place origami code-badger at the top point of pentagram, and light paper while making the boot incantation:
Suse vivo vixi victum reduco is ea id creatura absit decessus a facultas Linux! Dev root, dev root!
Do go have a read and do something useful with the next dead badger you see by the roadside.
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!